The word disease, if dissected, is dis-ease, or not at ease. The body is meant to heal itself and take care of itself. When we live at a constant state of stress, the body begins to have problems carrying out normal function. This state of stress leads the body to be in a constant state that is not at ease, or dis-ease. It is a well-known medial fact that stress accounts for 80% of the cause for most health problems. Stress and the roll it plays on our health is under-appreciated by most of us. This dynamic is brought to the attention of all our patients in our south Austin clinic. Managing their stress is paramount to a better quality of life. Our patients feel better, have more joy, and live a life that is truly more at ease. In a fast paced world we all could use help with a better perspective about our own health and how to manage the stress of our daily lives. Stress is a killer and it is the elephant in the room so to speak. So if you are finding the stress in your life at an all time high and have no plan of managing that stress, give us a call and we will help you start feeling and living great again.
Fasting: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Have you wondered what's behind all the renewed scientific interest in fasting? It may surprise you to learn that fasting is thought to be among one of the oldest therapeutic methods. From the ancient to the modern yogis, from Plato and Socrates to Hippocrates,...