Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs that affects an estimated 300 million people around the world. At its core, asthma is an immune disorder, the main symptoms being shortness of breath and wheezing. In Oriental Medicine there are several factors that may trigger an asthma attack, including external pathogenic factors such as pollen, cigarette smoke, and allergens. Other triggers could include diet, emotional disturbances, congenital weakness, and chronic illness. Acupuncture has been shown to have beneficial effects on the primary symptoms of asthma by balancing and strengthening the immune system. My Austin acupuncture patients have experienced lasting benefits from just a few acupuncture sessions, though I usually recommend at least four weekly sessions to start and monitor the healing process. My Austin Acupuncture and Wellness Center specializes in treating the underlying causes of a disease or ailment using a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine. While the acupuncture treatments focus on moving qi and circulating the blood, the nutritional supplements and herbal medicines will address any nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to the body’s imbalance. Getting acupuncture in Austin could be your ticket to a breath of fresh air.
Fasting: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Have you wondered what's behind all the renewed scientific interest in fasting? It may surprise you to learn that fasting is thought to be among one of the oldest therapeutic methods. From the ancient to the modern yogis, from Plato and Socrates to Hippocrates,...